Congratulations! You are on the right track to increase your value and reputation in the labor market. Your made the right choice! Today you can secure your place to become a student of the twentieth generation of students at Sofizo Secondary School! You will increase your market value and employers will want you. You will create a brighter future for yourself. You will increase your standing and reputation in the business world. By applying to Sofizo High School, you will have taken the first step. You reserve a place for yourself so that others don't take it. You will be informed in good time about all activities and deadlines related to your enrolment. Note: You are not obliged to register.


    Zaradi novih predpisov o varovanju podatkov (GDPR) vam bomo smeli pošiljati informacije o študiju in ponudbi ostalih izobraževalnih vsebin le v primeru, če nam podate svoje soglasje za to.

    Navedene podatke bomo uporabili izključno za namen poslovne komunikacije. Več v politiki zasebnosti.

    * Označena polja so obvezna.

    Why is Sofizo Educational Centre the best choice?


    the average level of satisfaction of the participants on a scale from 1 to 5


    publicly valid educational programs


    years of operation


    pupils and students